Saturday, February 25, 2017

Christmas coat

One day my five-year-old daughter, Anna, looked in my closet and saw a little green coat hanging. She asked me about it; I told her it was the coat that I had knit for her when she was about two years old. I told her that she had outgrown it.  She wanted to try it on anyway, insisting that it would fit her. Well, it did fit around her chest but the sleeves only went to her elbows - not very useful for a coat. The yarn had been discounted and I'd long since ran out n my stash, and the coat was felted anyway.  I couldn’t invasion a way to lengthen the sleeves that I would be satisfied with, so I had put it away for another child to enjoy someday.

Anna kept talking about her coat.  She wanted to visit and hug it.  I recalled that I had received some gorgeous wine-red Lopi bulky yarn in a craft swap.  It would be perfect for another coat!  Christmas was coming soon, and it would be a perfect gift.