Tuesday, June 20, 2017

Professor Arryn's Story (Part 4)

Here are four more letters and diary excerpts from Professor Arryn Jones, my D&D character.

To read the previous parts of the story, click the links:
Part 1  Part 2  Part 3

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1 Mirtul, 1493 DR  (1 May)


I did it!  I got the book!  I had to set up poor Ramas in an awkward situation and I feel really bad about that.  He was able to get himself out of it, so it ended well.  Unfortunately, I also stood him up for our dinner date, and I’ll have to find some way to apologize to him for that.  I don’t like deceiving him and not sure that I want to do it anymore.

I can’t read my book just yet.  I think there’s some sort of spell on it that I have to get removed. I don’t think I’ll be able to sleep tonight from all the excitement, so I’ll go back and grade some more research papers.


Thursday, June 8, 2017

Professor Arryn's Story (Part 3)

Here are four more letters and diary excerpts from Professor Arryn Jones, my D&D character.

To read the previous parts of the story, click the links:
Part 1  Part 2

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28 Alturiak, 1493 DR. (28 February)

Dear Mother,

I hope this letter finds you in good health.  My apologizes for not writing for a few tendays now; I’ve been working on a big project and it has taken all of my attention.  Well, most of it anyway.  The rest has been trying to decide what to do about Professor Nathandem.  He’s now insisting that I call him “Ramas,” and acting rather familiar.  Tell me, Mother: How do you know when someone is in love?  What should I do?  I desperately need to focus on my project, but he is so… alluring.  Debating with him is very enjoyable, and I have to admit that I like the way he looks at me.  What did you think of him when you met at Highharvestide?

Arg. I ramble on.  I really need to focus on my project!  I’m concerned that if I don’t keep my focus then I wont be able to succeed in this advancement.  What do I do, Mother?  Ramas has asked me to dinner several times and I’ve kept coming up with excuses to avoid him.  Very soon I’ll have to say yes to appease his pursuit, and I admit a part of me is pleased at the thought.