I'm back, again. I really don't like being away but sometimes I really can't help it. 😥
So just as I was getting on a roll with my blog things go reeeeeal interesting in my life. Sigh. Things never are simple. lol First I had an anxiety breakdown. I got help and got the ball rolling to get mental health services for myself and special needs services for my kids. THEN, my husband got laid off from his stable job of 9 years.
I'm actually okay about my husband being laid off as things were getting ugly at work. His superviser was being abusive and getting away with it, and I was really done with the whole swing-shift thing making me a single parent. (It had been 2 years on that schedule!) But with having gotten all the balls rolling for all of the health care I couldn't just let it all drop. I need to resolve my anxiety with a councilor. My boys need extra services for their special needs. My husband needs to continue to take his medications or he will die. (Today is the 1 year anniversary of the day I nearly lost him to heart failure and a pulmanary embulsism.)
I had to do all the paperwork, appointments, and phone calls to get health insurance through the state, which I did. Then some things with what was approved was wrong so I'm still going through all the steps to get it straightened out.
Meanwhile I haven't had terribly much time and attention to do any in-depth crafting. I'd mostly sit down on the couch in the evening with an audiobook and my knitting, and promptly fall asleep instead. It was mighty frustrating! Then an opportunity came up that I couldn't pass: My husband's schedule had changed so he'd be home with the kids and I could go play Dungeons and Dragons in our friend's group.
I haven't been able to play regularly since I was in college. Several months ago I created a character for a 1-off event and I'll be playing her: Professor Arryn, an overly curious half-elf who sold her soul to and Elder God in trade for knowledge (warlock). I've decided to actualy MAKE my Book of Shadows (my pact boon). I'll be doing it art-book style from an old book I had in crafting supplies, convienantly titled Magic Made Easy. lol It's a discarded library book, which further goes with my character's background. Maybe I'll write some stories later of her adventures and share them with you. We'll see, but I will definately keep you updated on the progress of my book! :) So far I've copy/pasted some of the text I'll need handy from the downloadable version of the Players Handbook and printed it out to paste into my book. (Our family owns two hard copies of it and this is for private use only so I should be okay.)
In addition, an online friend is getting married very soon. I'm working on some crochet hearts that she's requested so her online crew can be represented at her wedding. :) I've made three so far. I'm going to see if I can make 3-9 more and mail them out by Saturday.
So that's what's going on currently. There's a lot to do and I hope to get back to my regular schedule again. That's all the time I have for now, so TTFN.
P.S. My husband got a temp job yesterday. Yahoo!